Guest posts / article posting for $0.99

We have 300+ static HTML websites, blogs, directories, some of which are listed at We have listed a number of blogs at where buyers can purchase guest posts / blog posts for as little as $0.99 at
Some of the niches are web hosting, jewelry, real estate, coupons, travel, business, books.
How it works
Pay for the item.
The user id and password for a blog author account will be sent to the buyer for posting the guest post/advertisement/article.
Buyer should post the text link ad, article or press release.
The blog can be checked periodically to ensure that the link remains in place.
Advertisement should be family friendly , legal .

As a trial offer, we can provide an author account worth $0.99 on any of the blogs without any upfront payment to the first three valid replies to this email. The buyer can pay for the account only after receiving payment from his or her customer.

Payment may sent by Paypal,Moneybookers, Payza/bank transfer/NEFT and you can contact support by mail / SMS for other payment options
For any other requirement or clarifications are required, please revert.